All the out side impacts are causing a stir in you, either positively or negatively or neutrally. There is not a single moment when this stir is not there.
Mind in a stereotyped manner is trying to hold on to positive, reject the negative and ignore the neutral. Actions are guided by holding, rejecting or ignoring. This movement is mind’s default setting. Just being aware of the above shows forth the mystery.
Mind sensates the challenge by seeking satisfaction out of it either by accepting, rejecting or ignoring. It is not that challenge should not cause a stir. Challenge must stir you and in awareness that stirring withers away. The unified field includes the stirring and withering away. In unawareness, the stirring impels one to lean on to any one side, the side is immaterial. Or in unawareness, the challenge does not stir you. The system continuously throws challenges to stir you so that there may be awakening.
Brain requires charging to act, to move. The present brain is charged through stress, pain, anxiety, fear, compulsion and so on. It feels relief as relief from stress and so on. It is caught in this movement. The movement is compulsive, forceful as one rejects stress, pain and so on. When these are not rejected, the brain is charged. This charged brain and wholeness is the same.
Actions become casual, fun, non-committal.
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